Source code for signal_analog.util

"""Methods useful throughout the signal_analog project."""

import click
import json
from collections import Counter

from markdown import markdown

[docs]def check_collection(coll, type_): """Ensure type consistency for the given collection. Arguments: coll: List of resources type_: Type of resource to check against """ for c in coll: if not issubclass(c.__class__, type_): msg = "We got a '{0}' when we were expecting a '{1}'." raise ValueError(msg.format(c.__class__.__name__, type_.__name__))
[docs]def in_given_enum(value, enum): """Determines if the given value is in the given enum. Raises ValueError if it is not. Arguments: value: Int enum: enum to check if value is in """ if type(value) != enum or value not in enum: msg = '"{0}" must be one of {1}.' valid_values = [x.value for x in enum] raise ValueError(msg.format(value, valid_values))
[docs]def check_markdown(text, error_message=None): """Determines if the given text is a markdown and able to generate HTML """ if text is '' or text is None: if error_message: raise ValueError(error_message) else: raise ValueError() try: markdown(text) except ValueError: raise except UnicodeDecodeError: raise
[docs]def assert_valid(value, error_message=None, expected_type=None): """Void method ensuring value is non-empty. Arguments: value: the value to check expected_type: expected data type of the value. Ex: bool, str error_message: an optional error message to provide the user Returns: Nothing. """ if value is '' or value is None: if error_message: raise ValueError(error_message) else: raise ValueError() elif expected_type: try: if not isinstance(value, expected_type): raise ValueError('Expecting a variable of type {0}. But got a {1}("{2}")' .format(expected_type, type(value), value)) except TypeError: raise ValueError('"{0}" is not a valid data type'.format(expected_type))
[docs]def find_duplicates(xs): """Find duplicates in a list. Arguments: xs: String to find duplicates of """ return [item for item, count in Counter(xs).items() if count > 1]
[docs]def flatten_charts(opts): """Given an options object, return a list of JSON-serialized chart objects. Arguments: opts: a Resource chart object Returns: A list of charts serialized as JSON objects. """ return list(map(lambda c: c.to_dict(), opts.get('charts', [])))
[docs]def pp_json(dictionary): """Pretty print a dictionary as JSON. Arguments: dictionary: Dict """ click.echo(json.dumps(dictionary, indent=2))
[docs]def empty_body(): """Returns an empty body when making requests to SignalFx.""" return lambda x: None
[docs]def snake_to_camel(s): words = s.split('_') head, rest = words[0], words[1:] return head.lower() + ''.join(map(str.title, rest))