Source code for signal_analog.filters

import signal_analog.util as util

[docs]class FilterVariable(object): """ A set of predefined filters that are available by default at the top of the dashboard. The properties of the included objects are indicated as filters.variables[x].propertyName. This notation means the propertyName property is part of the object in each element of the variables array. """ def __init__(self): self.options = {}
[docs] def with_alias(self, alias): """Adds a filter alias to the FilterVariable. Arguments: alias: String """ util.assert_valid(alias, error_message='"alias" cannot be empty', expected_type=str) self.options.update({'alias': alias}) return self
[docs] def with_apply_if_exists(self, apply_if_exists): """Apply the filter if it exists. True enables the UI option "Allow data matching the filter condition or missing <dimension-name>". See Arguments: apply_if_exists: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(apply_if_exists, expected_type=bool) self.options.update({'applyIfExists': apply_if_exists}) return self
[docs] def with_description(self, description): """Sets a description for the filter. Arguments: description: String """ self.options.update({'description': description}) return self
[docs] def with_preferred_suggestions(self, *preferred_suggestions): """Sets preferred suggestions in the filter drop down. Arguments: *preferred_suggestions: List of Strings """ self.options.update({'preferredSuggestions': []}) for preferred_suggestion in preferred_suggestions: self.options['preferredSuggestions'].append(preferred_suggestion) return self
[docs] def with_property(self, property): """Sets filter property. Arguments: property: String """ util.assert_valid(property, error_message='"property" cannot be empty', expected_type=str) self.options.update({'property': property}) return self
[docs] def with_replace_only(self, replace_only): """Replace existing filter. Arguments: replace_only: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(replace_only, expected_type=bool) self.options.update({'replaceOnly': replace_only}) return self
[docs] def with_is_required(self, required): """Set if filter is required. Arguments: required: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(required, expected_type=bool) self.options.update({'required': required}) return self
[docs] def with_is_restricted(self, restricted): """Set if filter is restricted. Arguments: restricted: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(restricted, expected_type=bool) self.options.update({'restricted': restricted}) return self
[docs] def with_value(self, *values): """Set filter values. Arguments: *values: List of Strings """ self.options.update({'value': []}) for value in values: self.options['value'].append(value) return self
[docs]class FilterSource(object): """ Each element represents an adhoc filter to apply to the charts within the dashboard. Each filter can key off of one dimension or custom property (either user defined or supplied by default) and can either include or exclude all data matching the supplied criteria. The properties of the included objects are indicated as filters.sources[x].propertyName; this notation means the propertyName property is part of the object in each element of the sources array. """ def __init__(self): self.options = {}
[docs] def with_property(self, property): """Set filter property. Arguments: property: String """ util.assert_valid(property, error_message='"property" cannot be empty', expected_type=str) self.options.update({'property': property}) return self
[docs] def with_value(self, *values): """Set filter values. Arguments: values: List of Strings """ util.assert_valid(*values, error_message='"value" cannot be empty') self.options.update({'value': []}) for value in values: self.options['value'].append(value) return self
[docs] def with_is_not(self, is_not): """Set if filter is a Not filter. Arguments: is_not: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(is_not, expected_type=bool, error_message='"NOT" cannot be empty. It should be a boolean') self.options.update({'NOT': is_not}) return self
[docs]class FilterTime(object): """ The properties of the included objects are indicated as filters.time.propertyName. """ def __init__(self): self.options = {}
[docs] def with_start(self, start): """Set start time of filter. Arguments: start: Int """ util.assert_valid(start, error_message='"start" cannot be empty') self.options.update({'start': start}) return self
[docs] def with_end(self, end): """Set end time of filter. Arguments: end: Int """ util.assert_valid(end, error_message='"end" cannot be empty') self.options.update({'end': end}) return self
[docs]class DashboardFilters(object): """ A filters model to be attached to a dashboard. Filters allow fine grained control over the data displayed in the charts within the dashboard. They can be adhoc or saved as variables to allow easy reuse of filter criteria. Filters can also be used to apply a custom time window to all of the charts in the dashboard. The properties of the included object are indicated as filters.propertyName. Example: >>> Dashboard().with_filter(DashboardFilters().with_variables( >>> FilterVariable().with_property("aws_account_id").with_alias("aws_account_id").with_value(aws_account_id) >>> ).with_time(FilterTime().with_start("-7d").with_end("Now")) >>> ) """ def __init__(self): """Initialize filters object""" self.options = {}
[docs] def with_variables(self, *variables): """Set dashboard level filter variables. Arguments: *variables: List of variables (such as 'alias' and 'property') """ self.options.update({'variables': []}) for variable in variables: if 'alias' not in variable.options and 'property' not in variable.options: raise ValueError('"alias" and "property" are required parameters') elif 'alias' not in variable.options: raise ValueError('"alias" is a required parameter') elif 'property' not in variable.options: raise ValueError('"property" is a required parameter') self.options['variables'].append(variable.options) return self
[docs] def with_sources(self, *sources): """Set dashboard level filter sources. Arguments: *sources: List of sources (such as 'value' and 'property') """ self.options.update({'sources': []}) for source in sources: if 'value' not in source.options and 'property' not in source.options: raise ValueError('"property" and "value" are required parameters') elif 'property' not in source.options: raise ValueError('"property" is a required parameter') elif 'value' not in source.options: raise ValueError('"value" is a required parameter') self.options['sources'].append(source.options) return self
[docs] def with_time(self, time): """Checks if either start or end time is defined Example: >>> DashboardFilters().with_time(FilterTime().with_start("-1d").with_end("Now")) Arguments: time: FilterTime """ if bool(time.options): """ All the code below evaluates the following conditions and throws an error if any of them are not met filters.time.start--> Type: string or integer Must be an integer if filters.time.end is an integer Must be a string if filters.time.end is a string If integer: Minimum value = 0 Value must be smaller than value of filters.time.end If string: Value must start with a negative sign A positive integer must follow the negative sign Value must end with a units indicator. Allowed units indicators are m, h, d, w representing minutes, hours, days, and weeks respectively filters.time.end--> Type: enumerated string or integer Must be an integer if filters.time.start is an integer Must be a string if filters.time.start is a string If integer: Minimum value = 0 Value must be larger than value of filters.time.start If string: Allowed value is "Now" """ if 'start' in time.options and 'end' not in time.options: raise ValueError("End time should be provided") elif 'end' in time.options and 'start' not in time.options: raise ValueError("Start time should be provided") elif not isinstance(time.options['start'], type(time.options['end'])): raise ValueError("Start and End times should be of the same data type." "Instead, got Start time as {0} and End time as {1}" .format(type(time.options['start']), type(time.options['end']))) else: st = time.options['start'] et = time.options['end'] st_type = type(st) # We have to validate bool separately as it is a subclass of int if not isinstance(st, (str, int)) or isinstance(st, bool): raise ValueError("Start and End times must be either a String or an Integer. " "Instead, got a {0}".format(st_type)) elif isinstance(st, str): if st[:1] is not "-": raise ValueError("Start time value must start with a negative sign") elif st[-1:] not in ['m', 'h', 'd', 'w']: raise ValueError( "Start time value must end with a units indicator. Allowed units indicators are " "m, h, d, w(case-sensitive) representing minutes, hours, days, and weeks respectively. " "Instead, got '{0}'".format(st[-1:])) else: try: val = int(st[1:-1]) if val < 0: raise ValueError("A positive integer must follow the negative sign for Start time. " "Instead, got '{0}'".format(st[1:-1])) except ValueError: raise ValueError("A positive integer must follow the negative sign for Start time. " "Instead, got '{0}'".format(st[1:-1])) if et != "Now": raise ValueError('End time value should be "Now"(case-sensitive) when Start time ' 'is defined as a string. Instead, got "{0}"'.format(et)) elif isinstance(st, int): if st < 0 and et < 0: raise ValueError("Start time and End time cannot be Negative values") elif st < 0: raise ValueError("Start time cannot be a Negative value") elif et < 0: raise ValueError("End time cannot be a Negative value") elif st > et: raise ValueError("Start time should be smaller than End time") self.options.update({'time': time.options}) return self else: raise ValueError("Start and End time are required")