Source code for signal_analog.eventoverlays

"""Event objects representable in the SignalFX API."""

import signal_analog.util as util

[docs]class EventSignals(object): """ A set of variables for defining event signals """ def __init__(self): self.options = {}
[docs] def to_dict(self): return self.options
[docs] def with_event_search_text(self, event_search_text): """The name or partial name of an event to suggest as an overlay on the charts in this dashboard. (Can use * as a wildcard) Arguments: event_search_text: String """ util.assert_valid(event_search_text, error_message='"event_search_text" cannot be empty. Expects a string.', expected_type=str) self.options.update({'eventSearchText': event_search_text}) return self
[docs] def with_event_type(self, event_type): """Indicates whether the event comes from a detector or a time series. Supported values are: "detectorEvent" and "eventTimeSeries" Arguments: event_type: String """ util.assert_valid(event_type, error_message='"event_type" cannot be empty. ' 'Supported values are: "detectorEvent" and "eventTimeSeries"', expected_type=str) if event_type not in ('eventTimeSeries', 'detectorEvent'): raise ValueError('"event_type" expects either "detectorEvent" or "eventTimeSeries"') self.options.update({'eventType': event_type}) return self
[docs]class EventOverlays(object): """Options for displaying event overlays chosen from drop down and determining which color they will use, and if they will show an event line.""" def __init__(self): self.opts = {}
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Creates a dict of the EventOverlays object""" return self.opts
[docs] def with_event_signals(self, eventsignals): """The search term used to find events of the specified type to be overlaid on the charts in this dashboard. Arguments: eventsignals: Object defining the event signal related to this overlay """ util.assert_valid(eventsignals, error_message='"eventsignals" cannot be empty. ' 'expects EventSignals()', expected_type=object) ev = eventsignals.to_dict() self.opts.update({'eventSignal': ev}) return self
[docs] def with_event_color_index(self, event_color_index): """Expects an integer from 0-20 to define event color Arguments: Int """ util.assert_valid(event_color_index, error_message='"event_color_index" expects an int between 0-20', expected_type=int) if event_color_index > 20: msg = "event_color_index expects an int between 0-20." raise ValueError(msg.format(event_color_index)) self.opts.update({'eventColorIndex': event_color_index}) return self
[docs] def with_event_line(self, event_line): """Show a line over the charts matching the event. Arguments: Boolean """ util.assert_valid(event_line, expected_type=bool) self.opts.update({'eventLine': event_line}) return self
[docs]class SelectedEventOverlays(object): """Options for displaying selected event overlays by default. Event overlay settings will be used to determine their color and if they will show an event line.""" def __init__(self): self.opts = {}
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Creates a dict of the SelectedEventOverlays object""" return self.opts
[docs] def with_event_signals(self, eventsignals): """The search term used to find events of the specified type and overlay on charts in this dashboard by default. Arguments: eventsignals: Object defining the event signal related to this overlay """ util.assert_valid(eventsignals, error_message='"eventsignals" cannot be empty. ' 'expects EventSignals()', expected_type=object) ev = eventsignals.to_dict() self.opts.update({'eventSignal': ev}) return self