Source code for signal_analog.combinators

"""Provides n-ary combinators for SignalFlow programs."""

[docs]class NAryCombinator(object): def __init__(self, operator, *ns): """N-ary combinator for SignalFlow objects. Arguments: operator: the operator to intersperse amongst expressions. ns: the expressions to compose. Returns: An object that can be serialized to SignalFlow. """ if not operator: raise ValueError("Operator in NAryCombinator cannot be empty.") self.operator = operator self.stack = ns def __str__(self): args = [] for item in self.stack: # Ensure that combining different combinators results in the # correct order of operations. if isinstance(item, NAryCombinator): args.append("(" + str(item) + ")") else: args.append(str(item)) combinator = " {0} ".format(self.operator) return combinator.join(args)
[docs]class And(NAryCombinator): """And combinator for combining SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, *ns): super(And, self).__init__('and', *ns)
[docs]class Or(NAryCombinator): """Or combinator for combining SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, *ns): super(Or, self).__init__('or', *ns)
[docs]class Not(object): """Not combinator for performing nullification on SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, expr): """Negate the given expression. Arguments: expr: the expression to negate. Returns: An object that can be serialized to SignalFlow. """ if not expr: raise ValueError("Expression cannot be empty in Not statement.") self.expr = expr def __str__(self): return "not " + str(self.expr)
[docs]class LT(NAryCombinator): """Less Than combinator for comparing SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(LT, self).__init__('<', left, right)
[docs]class GT(NAryCombinator): """Greater Than combinator for comparing SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(GT, self).__init__('>', left, right)
[docs]class LTE(NAryCombinator): def __init__(self, left, right): super(LTE, self).__init__('<=', left, right)
[docs]class GTE(NAryCombinator): def __init__(self, left, right): super(GTE, self).__init__('>=', left, right)
[docs]class EQ(NAryCombinator): """Equal combinator for comparing SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(EQ, self).__init__('==', left, right)
[docs]class NE(NAryCombinator): """Not Equal combinator for comparing SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(NE, self).__init__('!=', left, right)
[docs]class Mul(NAryCombinator): """Multiplication combinator for performing math on SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(Mul, self).__init__('*', left, right)
[docs]class Div(NAryCombinator): """Division combinator for performing math on SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(Div, self).__init__('/', left, right)
[docs]class Add(NAryCombinator): """Addition combinator for performing math on SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(Add, self).__init__('+', left, right)
[docs]class Sub(NAryCombinator): """Subtraction combinator for performing math on SignalFlow objects. """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(Sub, self).__init__('-', left, right)